Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend Fun!

We had a really fun weekend!! The weather didn't cooperate much on Saturday, but we did finally get a nice day on Sunday.  Even with the less than perfect weather, we were able to fill up our time and we had a great weekend enjoying some of the things that we love.

Saturday morning, Doug ran the Jim Bridger Trail Run.  It's a pretty intense 10 mile race in the Bridger Mountains.  Like I said, the weather on Saturday was not nice.  When we woke up it was raining, but by the time Doug left for the race, the rain had stopped and it looked like it might clear up.  Drew and I got ready to meet Doug at the finish line and by the time we made it to the finish, the clouds were back and the sky was ominous! Drew and I walked to the finish line and shortly after we arrived, the rain came.....and it came and it came.  Holy downpour!  We were lucky that they had a tent at the finish line and there weren't many spectators so we could all fit under the tent.  We ended up standing under that tent waiting for Doug for almost an hour!  The course was much slower this year, mainly due to the tough conditions.  I couldn't imagine racing up and down a muddy mountain in the pouring rain!  Shortly before Doug finished, the rain stopped so that was a nice reprieve.  Doug did great, as usual, and ended up finishing 5th overall.  He's a stud I tell you!  After he finished, I looked at the sky and could tell another storm was about to hit so we headed for the car, making it just as the downpour began again.

The rest of Saturday was pretty rainy.  We did manage to find a window to walk through campus a bit and check out the renovations they are doing at the Fieldhouse.  We ended the day playing some soccer in the living room.  It was more Me vs. Doug since Drew's attention span is a little short, but it sure was fun!!

Sunday morning we woke up to a beautiful blue sky!  We decided to go for a hike.  We packed a lunch and headed to Hyalite where we planned on doing the Emerald Lake hike.  We set out on the 9 mile roundtrip hike hoping to make it to the lake, but we were stopped by snow of all things. I didn't think there was any way there would be too much snow up there for us to make it to the top, but there was!  Hard to believe at the end of June.  Oh well, we still had lots of fun.  We had a picnic on the trail and just enjoyed being out in nature.  It was a nice change since we have endured our fair share of rain around here lately!

After our hike, we came home and got ready for date night!  Doug's parents offered to watch Drew so Doug and I could go out on a date.  It's been a while since we have had a date night without Drew, so it was pretty fun to get dressed up and enjoy some time together.  We had a pre-dinner drink at Plonk and then had dinner at 14 North.  It was delicious and we sure had a good time going out!

It was definitely a good weekend around here!  Despite the rain on Saturday, it really was one of the most fun weekends we've had in awhile! Hope you all enjoyed your weekends as well.  Happy Monday!

Pre-race picture.

Post-race! That little tent in the background is the one we all huddled under.

Doug was a little wet and muddy after the race!

Post-race lunch at The Garage.  We got a South Dakota menu!

The Fieldhouse. They are putting in a permanent track!

Drew had a photo shoot with Spirit!

Hyalite Reservoir!  It is so pretty!

The trailhead.

Pre-hike photo op!

Heading to the trail.

See that snowball that my husband just threw at me.  That was one of many for the day!


My hiking guys!

There were a few obstacles, including downed trees.  Doug had to get real low!

But he made it!

Snow on June 29th!

Making our way through the snow fields.

As you can see, it got worse and we decided that we better turn around.  So much snow!

My guys!

Picnic in the woods!

Drew had fun!

Telling us something important!  He makes us laugh!

So cute!

Exploring the parking lot after our hike.

Date night!

Drew loved hanging out on the deck waiting for Gram and Grandpa.

We drove the 442, which reminded us of our wedding since we took pictures with it then.

The 442 on Main!

Drinks on the patio at Plonk.

Dinner at 14 North!

Delicious steak!

What a fun date night with a handsome fella!

Friday, June 27, 2014

High Five for Friday!

Happy Friday!  I'm so glad that it's finally Friday.  We've had a wet week, and now that the weekend is finally here, it's supposed to start getting nicer, which we need!  I'm kind of over the rain!

It was a good week, getting back into the swing of things after being gone last week.  I got the house put back together and the many household chores that I missed for a week completed.  And of course, we managed to squeeze in a little fun along the way!  Here's the highlights of our week!

  1. Drew was sick last week, and I don't know if that's what did it or what, but he's been extremely cuddly this week.  He's never been much of an affectionate kind of guy, so I welcome the cuddles with open arms! There's nothing better than holding your baby in your arms!

  2. Yesterday we got a pool!  I'm so excited for it to get warm so we can test it out. It's going to be so much fun playing in the pool with Drew. I can't wait!
  3. Oh man, have we done some playing this week!  Strainers, and books, and blocks, and puddles, we've had so much fun!  It's so fun to watch Drew explore his world and learn new things every day.  I just love viewing the world through the eyes of a child!

  4. We went to Music on Main last night, and it was kind of a bust.  We got there about 6 and walked up and down main street waiting for the music to start.  At about 6:45, it started to rain.  We endured the rain for awhile, but at 7, they still hadn't started playing and we decided it was getting too wet and too late for us so we headed home.  Kind of a bummer.  It was still fun to go downtown and Drew had fun walking main street.  He's getting so big!

  5. I tried a couple new recipes for dinner this week and they were all hits!  If you haven't already, you really should check out Mix and Match Mama's foodie blog.  She has great, easy recipes!!  I'll share some of my favorites in the coming weeks!
Well, there you have it, another week under our belts.  Hope you all had a great week as well, and happy weekend!!