Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Learning Curves and Curve Balls

We’ve all heard of the concept of learning curves.  We learned about it in school and possibly even on the job.  The idea that with every new task or activity that we undertake, there comes a period of time during which we have to learn how to perform that task or activity.  We’re not experts at first, so we must struggle through the so called learning curve, to become familiar with the task.  The idea is that once the learning curve is mastered, we are more efficient and therefore more successful at the given task.  We’ve essentially “figured it all out” and become an expert at the task or activity.   

It would be reasonable then to assume that the same applies for life in general.  If we take the time to master the learning curve of life, then we should be efficient and successful there too, right?  Unfortunately, life also comes with a little something called curve balls, and while we can get better at dealing with these situations that get thrown our way, we can never truly master the learning curve of life.  We can certainly begin to “figure out” the direction of and meaning in our lives, but there will always be those little curve balls that get thrown our way that we don’t expect and we may not fully know how to deal with them.  They can knock us off balance and completely change the learning curve that we so carefully navigated up until that point.  But that’s the fun of life, right?  Getting to learn something new each day and having to deal with new situations all the time.  If we had life completely “figured out,” there would be no fun, no surprises, and no room for learning something new.  That’s what this blog is about.  Life.  My life.  Its curve balls and learning curves.  Its ups and downs.  I will concentrate mostly on my family, my life as a mom, and the day to day curve balls that I may face, but I’ll also find some time to write about somewhat more frivolous topics like a recipe that I like, a craft project I’ve been working on, or a product that has become a “must have” for me.  I’m not sure how often I’ll update it, or if it will be even remotely interesting to you as the reader, but it’s more about being an outlet for me to get my thoughts out and share what I learn as I go.  I hope you enjoy helping me navigate Life’s Little Curves.

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