Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What's That Smell?

We had some company a couple months ago, and they brought me a Bath & Body Works candle as a thank you for letting them stay at our house.  Now, I’ve never owned a Bath & Body Works candle, and to be honest, I’m not much of a candle person.  I’ve had candles for YEARS that I never burn.  I like the look of them, and I’ll burn a cinnamon one around Christmas, but that’s about it. 

Oh how things have changed.  The candle they brought me is called “Autumn,” and it smells absolutely divine.  I lit it for the first time and fell in love.  It smells exactly like you would think Autumn would smell, and it’s beautiful.  Whenever it’s burning, our whole house smells so good.  It actually makes it feel more “homey,” which I love.  To be honest, I’ve become a little obsessed!

As you can see, I've almost burned through the entire candle, which is very unlike me.  That's a testament to just how good it smells!

So, I figured since Autumn is basically over, surely Bath & Body Works wants to get rid of the “old” smells for cheap, right?  I took a little trip to B&BW, and sure enough, the Fall scented candles were all 50% off.  So I picked up another Autumn candle (and now I’m wishing I would have purchased them all!).  The Winter candles just happened to be on sale as well, so I picked up two of those in hopes that this wonderful homey, delicious smelling track we’re on will last throughout the winter. 

I bought the candle called “Winter,” since Autumn was so good, and I’m hoping they’ve captured the scent of winter just as well as they did Autumn.  I also bought one called “Tis the Season,” because, let’s face it, I love Christmas and Christmas-scented things.
I’m so happy that my houseguests introduced me to Bath & Body Works candles because they truly smell heavenly.  I’m sure my husband is thrilled that I’ve found something else to spend our money on, but what can I say, they are just so good!


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