Thursday, February 27, 2014

Growing Up!

There's nothing better than watching my baby grow up.  It may be going too fast, but I sure love seeing him develop and progress on what seems like a daily basis.  I can't believe he's getting close to a year old.  These first 10 months have flown by.  I can barely remember when he was just a little baby.  They always say it goes too fast, and I can attest that it's true.  I look at Drew and I don't see my little baby anymore.  He's resembling a toddler more and more every day!

Now, he's not only an expert crawler, but he pulls himself up on anything (and I mean ANYTHING, whether it's sturdy enough to hold him or not!), and he cruises along the furniture. I think he'll be taking steps any time now.  He's started to wave and clap, both of which are immensely cute.  I just can't get enough of him waving to me!

One of the most exciting progressions to take place in the last few weeks is that he's begun to say momma and mom.  I don't think he understands that I'm momma yet, but it melts my heart every time he utters those words.  The other day, he looked right at me, said momma about three times and crawled right to me.  Wow, that was pretty special!

He has two teeth and he's started to get another one on the top.  He's going to start looking so different with all these teeth coming through.  Just getting older, I guess!

He's just the best little boy out there and I couldn't love anyone more than I love him.  He's my fun every day and I can't believe how big he's gotten.  It just keeps getting better and better!!  I'm so proud to call him my son!


  1. I couldn't be more proud of our little guy!

  2. yay for saying momma!! he sure is growing up crazy it's almost been a year! I miss you guys and can't wait to see him soon! I have a good feeling about "j" being his next word!!!!! :)

  3. oh and the second picture down is the best!!! haha. he's hilarious!
