Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Just when I thought Spring had sprung, we wake up to a foot of snow!  It's crazy talk, I tell you.  I knew we were supposed to get a dusting of snow, but I never thought we'd get this much.  The good news is that the sun is already out and I'm sure it will melt quickly.  For now, it just looks like a beautiful winter wonderland out there!

In other news, I have some cuteness I have to share with you.  Yesterday while I was running on the treadmill, Drew was in the exercise room with me.  He really loves that room because it has one wall that is completely mirrors, and he loves looking at himself.  Now that he's able to pull himself up and stand on pretty much anything, he was getting up close and personal with himself!  Oh boy was it cute!

We've also been working on walking.  Drew has a walker that he can roll around the living room, so we spent some time yesterday doing that.  His legs are getting strong, and he can cruise along furniture.  It's only a matter of time before he'll be walking.  I'm so excited for it!  I know most moms say you don't want it to happen too soon, but honestly, Drew is already mobile enough to be a handful, so I don't think much will change in that regard when he's walking. He's just getting so big, it's hard to believe he's my little baby!

1 comment:

  1. Whenever you post pictures of your house I remember how much I love it and wish I lived in it! ha -- the snow is sure beautiful!! I am so excited for Drew to start walking, I think he's going to be an expert when we come out next weekend!!
