Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Well, we woke up to lots of snow again this morning.  I keep getting fooled into thinking that Spring is finally here and we've seen the last of the snow, but it turns out that's not the case.  I guess we were lucky to have such a beautiful week last week and a pretty nice weekend as well!

We had fun at Chico Hot Springs celebrating Doug's mom's birthday on Sunday.  It was a beautiful day and we all had fun swimming in the warm water!

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day and it snowed for most of the day, so although Drew and I were sporting our green, no one saw us because we didn't leave the house.  I got some pretty cute pictures of Drew that I thought I'd share though.  He keeps growing every day and he continues to look more and more like a little boy with each passing day. It's crazy how fast it's gone.

My sister and her husband are coming to visit this weekend.  I'm pretty darn excited to have them.  My sister's husband hasn't been here for years, and he hasn't really spent much time in Bozeman at all, so it will be fun to show him around.  I really can't wait!

Hope you're all having a good start to your week! Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all of the pictures! Chico looks like it was a great time yet again! glad you had good weather for it, too! I am SOOOO excited for the weekend but the snow needs to stay away now until after the weekend!!!! Praying the next couple of days go by quickly...the Posherstnik's are ready to be in MT!!!
