Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pumpkin Spice Mini Muffins

Now that it's officially Fall, I've been getting excited to try all sorts of new Fall recipes.  Like I've mentioned on here before, I love Mix and Match Mama's blog, both her family blog and her foodie blog.  She has some really great recipes, and most of them are super easy and quick, which is just what I like.  She is also a big fan of the Fall season so she's already posted quite a few Fall recipes.

My family came to town this last weekend, so I wanted to make something quick and easy for breakfasts since I knew we'd be trying to get out of the house early to maximize our time together and get as much fun in as possible.  I decided to try some pumpkin muffins off of Mix and Match Mama's blog.  You can find the recipe here. (Yes, I know it is a cake recipe, but all of her 100 bundt cake recipes can be made into mini muffins...see this post).

Now, I'm a HUGE fan of pumpkin anything. I love it.  Pumpkin pie is my favorite kind of pie and I haven't had a pumpkin dessert or dish that I haven't liked.  So I knew these muffins would be right up my alley.  My husband on the other hand, is not a huge fan, but even he thought these were delicious.  That's a win in my book. I get to have my favorite and he likes it too!

I decided to skip the frosting since these were muffins and not cake and made my own cinnamon glaze to put on top.  I only glazed a few since I made the glaze recipe up in my head and wasn't sure if it would turn out okay or not.  It was actually pretty good.  It made them a touch more sweet, which was fine by me, but I think Doug preferred the muffins with no glaze.

These were yummy muffins and I'm excited to try some more of Mix and Match Mama's fall recipes.  In fact, I have a couple on the menu for dinners this week.  I'll let you know how they turn out!


  1. SOOO GOOD! I'm impressed that was a homemade glaze! I loved both versions!! Mini muffins are the greatest!

  2. I thought they were both good too!!! Thanks for making them for us! I'm not quite as ready for fall as you are but I guess I don't have much choice since we might get a few snowflakes later this week!
