Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fall Hiking - Triple Tree!

It was absolutely beautiful yesterday!  We almost reached 90 degrees, which is unseasonably warm for us around here.  I think we are supposed to be nearly 90 again today, and then the weather is supposed to take a turn for the worse come Friday.  We wanted to make the most of this beautiful weather, so we decided to do a short hike when Doug got home from work yesterday.

We settled on doing the Triple Tree loop.  It turns out we did this same hike about this same time last year.  You can read about that here (Drew was a little smaller then!).  We always like to do this hike in the Fall because it is full of trees with changing leaves and is extra beautiful this time of year.  We were a little early for the full effect of the changing leaves, but it was still beautiful and definitely felt like Fall (aside from the 80 degree weather!).

We had a great hike and a beautiful evening for it!  We even saw a band filming a music video on the trail.  Pretty neat!

Drew messing with dad.  He had both pointers in dad's ears!

It's hard to see, but this is the band shooting the music video.  I bet it's gorgeous when they get it done!

What a beautiful evening and a fun family hike!  We love Fall!!


  1. it's so cool to see the post on this hike last year - Drew was so much smaller!! You got incredible family photos both years, though! Such a beautiful trail! I also love when Drew messes with Doug - it's his favorite thing about being in that backpack I think! haha. Such a darn cutie :) I'm glad you're enjoying the nice weather while you can, you live in the most gorgeous place ever!

  2. I laughed out loud at Drew playing with Doug's ears! haha! What a little stinker! Such a cutie though. Looks like a beautiful day and a great evening!
