Thursday, November 14, 2013

Drewday Thursday

It's been awhile since I've shared some pictures of Drew (you're probably thinking, no not really, but what can I say, he's just so cute!).  We've had a fun week doing all of our usual activities.  Drew loves to eat and sleep, and we've been working on sitting and crawling, oh and of course, he's spent some time jumping!  He makes me laugh every day and he's getting quite the little personality.  I just love him to pieces!

Drew loves his naps, and recently began sleeping on his side instead of his back.  It's quite cute and makes him look so grown up.  He usually naps in his crib, but earlier this week, he fell asleep eating a bottle. He used to do that all the time when he was younger, but now I hardly ever get to hold him while he sleeps.  I miss the days of cuddling and having him sleep on me, so when he does fall asleep on me now, I soak up every minute of it!

We've also been working on learning to crawl.  I've been putting a toy just out of reach and trying to get him to get it.  He's an expert roller, but he hasn't quite figured out that rolling takes him in the opposite direction.  I can tell he's trying to move towards it, and he knows he can move when he rolls, he just hasn't figured out that it's the wrong direction.  He wiggles his legs furiously when he's on his stomach, so I'm thinking he will be scooting around in no time.  I'm excited for him to crawl, but also nervous, because with it comes a whole new set of worries and responsibility.  He's pretty easy to watch when he's not mobile!

And of course, we've been doing some jumping.  He just loves the jumper and I think it's really helping his leg strength.  He's a strong baby!

I love every day that I get to spend with him.  We have so much fun!  He's the best little guy around!


  1. Gosh he is soooo cute!!! I love pictures of Drew anytime! I can't wait until he figures out how to crawl he'll be even happier than he is now...which doesn't seem possible!! Love him to death!

  2. You are right!! He's the cutest babe around! Can't wait to see him again! Love you Both! (and Doug!)
