Thursday, November 7, 2013


Well, I thought I’d do a little update on Drew’s “real” food adventures.  Last time I wrote about it, he was not into it at all, and was actually quite difficult to feed.  He would arch his back and cry, and when I did get a spoonful in, he’d gag.  He was gagging, even on the good stuff like peaches and applesauce.  I thought the kid was crazy!

Anyway, things are going much better now.  He’s getting the hang of it, and actually starting to like it.  Grandma Brenda was kind enough to get him a pretty sweet highchair, that he loves, and he’s been enjoying his food ever since.  He’s even gotten to the point of grabbing my hand and shoving the spoon in his mouth.

I can’t tell you how happy and proud this makes me.  It’s weird what little things make you happy when you have children!  I was getting frustrated and concerned that he wasn’t ever going to eat solid food, and worried that we’d struggle with it forever.  I’m so glad that we seem to be over that hump, and now he’s loving it.  I guess I’m not surprised because he sure is an easy, happy baby.  He makes being a mommy pretty easy on me, and I couldn’t be more proud of my little guy.  He’s just the best!

In other food related news, Doug and I became "those" parents last night.  We went to dinner with some friends, and had a really enjoyable evening.  We were so close to making it out of there without being annoying parents, but then just as we all stood to leave, we did it.  We had been talking about Drew and his adventures in new foods.  We were explaining how he hated it at first, and then Doug suggested, well here, let me show you a video of him eating rice cereal.  And it just went downhill from there.  At one point, we both had our phones out, actually forcing our poor friends to watch video after video of Drew eating rice cereal and peaches.  And they stood there, feigning interest.  Oh yes, look at Drew eating another peach.  Wow, that's an interesting video.  Yep, it happened.  And when we left, Doug realized that we had become "those" parents in that moment, and we couldn't stop laughing.  I haven't laughed so hard in a really long time.  Hey, what can I say, it was bound to happen right?! 

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh SO hard! I can just picture both of you with your phones trying to show people ...hahha! Drew is so cute though i'm sure they didn't mind too much! :) you guys are great! haha!
