Friday, June 27, 2014

High Five for Friday!

Happy Friday!  I'm so glad that it's finally Friday.  We've had a wet week, and now that the weekend is finally here, it's supposed to start getting nicer, which we need!  I'm kind of over the rain!

It was a good week, getting back into the swing of things after being gone last week.  I got the house put back together and the many household chores that I missed for a week completed.  And of course, we managed to squeeze in a little fun along the way!  Here's the highlights of our week!

  1. Drew was sick last week, and I don't know if that's what did it or what, but he's been extremely cuddly this week.  He's never been much of an affectionate kind of guy, so I welcome the cuddles with open arms! There's nothing better than holding your baby in your arms!

  2. Yesterday we got a pool!  I'm so excited for it to get warm so we can test it out. It's going to be so much fun playing in the pool with Drew. I can't wait!
  3. Oh man, have we done some playing this week!  Strainers, and books, and blocks, and puddles, we've had so much fun!  It's so fun to watch Drew explore his world and learn new things every day.  I just love viewing the world through the eyes of a child!

  4. We went to Music on Main last night, and it was kind of a bust.  We got there about 6 and walked up and down main street waiting for the music to start.  At about 6:45, it started to rain.  We endured the rain for awhile, but at 7, they still hadn't started playing and we decided it was getting too wet and too late for us so we headed home.  Kind of a bummer.  It was still fun to go downtown and Drew had fun walking main street.  He's getting so big!

  5. I tried a couple new recipes for dinner this week and they were all hits!  If you haven't already, you really should check out Mix and Match Mama's foodie blog.  She has great, easy recipes!!  I'll share some of my favorites in the coming weeks!
Well, there you have it, another week under our belts.  Hope you all had a great week as well, and happy weekend!!  


  1. I love Friday's on the blog!! Some great pictures this week - the one of him sticking his thumb in the puddle is so adorable! and him cuddling with you :) doesn't get much better i'm sure! Glad you're back to your routine and that he's feeling better too! Love you sis!

  2. I agree with Jenna!! Love Fridays and all the pictures! He is so cute and he is looking so big! Can't wait to see him again next week. Seems like he grows so much just in a few weeks!
