Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday Monday!

Happy Monday everybody!  I woke up feeling a little under the weather this morning, which takes on a whole new meaning when you have to care for someone else besides just yourself.  Needless to say, we'll just be trying to get through the day.

We had another excellent weekend, and I'll get to sharing that with you later this week (assuming I start feeling better!).  We had lots of fun and were busy as ever.  I tell you, we are making the most of these beautiful Fall weekends.

In other fun news, The Voice and The Blacklist are back tonight, two of my favorite shows!  We will definitely be tuning in.  I can't wait!

And finally, Happy Happy Birthday to my middle sister, Bri!!  We love you so much and are so excited that we get to see you this weekend.  It's going to be so much fun.  Hope your day is perfect!  These are the best years of your life! ;)


  1. Thanks sister! I am so excited to come visit this weekend! We can't wait to see you all! Love you and start feeling better please!

  2. I hope you are feeling better!! Can't wait to see pics of the weekend! Love you honey!
