Friday, May 2, 2014

High Five for Friday!!

Happy Friday! I can't believe it's already here.  This week has flown by as I've tried to get everything back in order after our trip and birthday fun last week and weekend.  Turns out, getting back to normal takes much longer when you have a one year old cruising around.  Drew is on the move, and all he wants to do is walk around the house, in loops, and sometimes stare at the light fixtures for an unreasonably long amount of time, or maybe kick the ball and follow it for hours.  It's amazing how much his newfound mobility now takes up a good majority of our day.  I don't get much done unless it's during his nap, which is usually only about an hour a day!  Needless to say, it's taking awhile to get through my to do list, but that's okay.  I have time!

It was a good week and an eventful week around here.  Here's a roundup of the highlights:
  1. Drew's birthday was on Tuesday.  We celebrated by taking a short walk around the neighborhood and then having dinner and cake.  At his birthday party last Saturday, he wasn't too interested in the cake, and we pretty much had to feed it to him.  On Tuesday, he got after it.  I think he liked it the second time around.  He made a huge mess and promptly ended up in the tub.  It was a fun first birthday. I still can't believe my baby is one year old already.  Time is flying!!

  2. Drew had his one year appointment on Wednesday.  Everything looked good and he passed all of the doctor's tests with flying colors.  He's still about average for height and weight, but his noggin is off the charts at 98%.  It's so funny because I truly have the smallest head of anyone I know.  I buy my hats in the children's department and I really struggle finding sunglasses small enough for my face.  I'm not sure where he got the big head, but I'm hoping it's because it is so full of brains!
  3. Drew got all sorts of fun toys for his birthday, so we've been enjoying playing with all of them this week.  He's also always ready to go for a walk, and we do a lot of that, let me tell you.  It's so fun to see him grow up, but it's also a little sad.  The baby days are certainly over, and it seemed to last such a short time.  I guess it's true what they say, they really do grow up fast!

     (He really likes to check the gas!)
  4. We met Doug for lunch in the park yesterday.  It was such a beautiful day.  I think it's probably the nicest day we've had all year.  We had lunch and tried to play on the playground a little.  Drew wasn't too sure about any of it.  I rode down the slide with him, but he wasn't too excited about it.  I had him ride the smaller slide by himself with me holding him from the ground, but he didn't really like that much either until another boy came and did it, then he thought it was okay.  The real fun was walking up and down the curb that surrounded the play area.  He's a funny boy I tell you.  You never know what he's going to find interesting!
  5. Last night was date night and we went to Pizza Campania for dinner.  They have a garage door on one side of the restaurant, so when the weather's nice, they open the garage door and have additional seating on the patio.  The patio was full, but we ate in the dining room with the garage door open, which gave the restaurant a whole different feel.  It was pretty cool!  The pizza was good as always!  We had such a beautiful day yesterday, it was still 70 degrees at seven o'clock!  Today is supposed to be just as nice, and since it's Friday, Doug will only work until noon.  We are planning on going for a long bike ride this afternoon all through town.  It will be nice to spend time with Doug, and extra nice to enjoy the great weather!  Sounds like a good Friday to me!
It was a good week and I'm excited for the weekend!  I'll be back Monday with more on our Hawaii trip.  We finally make it to the Haiku Stairs, so you don't want to miss it.  Have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. Oh man, Kristin, he already looks bigger!!! I miss him! I'm glad he's enjoying his new toys. Have fun this afternoon. One thing I know about Drew, he LOVES the outdoors!

  2. hahah Drew checking the gas makes me laugh! You can tell how much he loves it just in the pic! haha - what a cutie :) so glad he loves all of his gifts!!! I'm jealous of your weather, sounds like you have a wonderful afternoon planned!

  3. oh and I would have bet all of my money he wouldn't keep that hat on - i'm impressed! haha cute little birthday boy!
