Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday Wisdom - Balance

One of the hardest parts about growing up and having a family is balance.  There comes a time in your life when you can't do it all, and while it is bound to make some people unhappy, the most important thing is keeping yourself happy.  Life is about balance, and it's hard to master, that's for sure.

There are so many balancing acts that we, as adults, have to face.  We have to learn to balance work, family, friends, time with all three, and so much more.  In my life, I've definitely struggled to find that balance.  I've been in a job that was taking too much of my personal time and making me miss really important life events.  I eventually had to make the tough decision to say goodbye to that job that I really did enjoy because it was taking too much of me, and I needed more of a work/life balance to be happy.  It was hard, but ultimately, the right decision for my happiness and well-being.

I constantly struggle with balancing time with just our family of three and time with our extended families.  Living in the same town as Doug's family skews our time with them on the heavy end, and sometimes that gets to me.  I feel like I don't get enough time with my family and I miss out on so much because I live in a different town.

I struggle with finding "me" time, especially now that I'm a mom and taking care of Drew is a 24 hour job!  I don't have near the amount of time to spend doing things that I like to do as I once did, and that can be hard.

There are so many balancing acts that we have to work through, and it can be really tough.

What I've recently decided is that balance is a key issue for me, and therefore, I need to make decisions and stick up for myself when trying to find that balance.  It's hard sometimes, and certainly, can make me the bad guy, but I've realized that in order for me to be happy, I have to have a balance in my life that I can live with.  I've spent too long just going along with whatever everyone else in my life has decided my balance should be, and it hasn't been making me happy.  Now, it's time for me to start making the decisions and taking control of my own happiness and own life balance.  Ultimately, if someone is really a supportive member of my life, they will understand my need for finding a balance that works for me, even if it doesn't match up with their idea of what that should be.  I need to make myself happy, first and foremost, regardless of what others may think.

So, that's what I'm going to do now....make the decisions that will align with what I truly want for my life and my balance.  I know that in the end, if I'm true to myself, I will find the perfect balance and happiness for me, and the important people in my life will stand by me no matter what!

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