Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Xterra Training and a Haircut!

Doug is doing another Xterra triathlon this coming weekend in Colorado.  He's been biking, swimming, and running up a storm to practice, but he wanted to get in a training day in which he did all three back to back to back.  We have a pond in town where they sometimes hold triathlons, so we went there so he could swim and then bike and run.  Drew and I tagged along since it was such a beautiful morning.

We watched Doug swim and then when he went for his bike ride, we went for a little walk.  Drew fell asleep, so I walked him back to the pond and actually had a few quiet moments to enjoy the sun and relax a little.  Once Drew woke up, it was a rodeo trying to keep him away from all of the things that could kill him at the park! Ha!  No, but really.

Doug did a great job getting all three events in, and we had fun hanging at the park waiting for him.  Hopefully now he'll be ready to kill the triathlon this weekend!!

Setting up.

Drew was excited!

Getting ready for the swim.  Brrr.

Heading in.


Transitioning to the bike.

He's off!

Beautiful view on our walk.

The Bridgers.

Our walking trail.

Drew got in a little nap!

Transitioning to the run.

Before taking off on the run.

Drew was loving the dandelions!

Saturday afternoon, we did something that we've been needing to for awhile.  We gave Drew his first haircut!  Oh boy, hair cutting is not my forte. It's incredibly difficult to cut the hair of an active one year old, especially when you have no idea what you are doing!  I did the best I could, and it's definitely shorter!  If you ask me, he looks a bit like Jim Carey's character Lloyd in Dumb and Dumber, which isn't exactly a good thing, but I guess it was time.  I hated to cut off all of his adorable curls, and fortunately, even with it as short as it is now, he still has a few.  If you ask me, he's still pretty dang cute!


  1. He looks like a big boy with his new hair do!

  2. OMG, I can't believe you cut it!! I would have been a wreck! Jim used to cut your hair though. He would put you up on the kitchen table, wrap a towel around you and cut away. So, you guys can blame him for your bang cuts in the old pics!! lol
