Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Loving Lately!

I've decided to do a little series of things I've been loving lately.  I've broken it up into three categories: clothing/accessories, food/drink, and beauty products/makeup.  It's always fun for me to see what others have been loving lately, so I figured you all might be interested as well.  Today, I'm going to start with clothing/accessories.
  • Juneau Luxe Bingin Bracelet - I have been wanting a Juneau Luxe bracelet for awhile now, so I finally decided to treat myself to it for Mother's Day when they had a 20% off sale. I first saw the bracelets on Instagram, and I've been coveting them ever since.  It's cute and summery and the perfect accessory for many of my outfits!

  • Crochet Toms - I'm definitely slow to the game when it comes to Toms.  This is my first pair, and my mom got them for me for my birthday this year in January.  I have just recently started wearing them since it hasn't been warm enough up until lately, and I have to say, I've quickly fallen in love.  They are comfortable and cute and they go with just about everything since they are a neutral color.  I love the lace detail.  They dress up any old outfit.  I'm definitely going to get another pair soon because they have quickly become my favorite pair of shoes!

  • Gap Jeans - I'm finally back in my pre-baby jeans and it feels so good!  Unfortunately, my post-baby body, while the same size I was before, is not really the same shape.  I've found that Gap jeans have been a great fit for me now.  They have a little bit higher of a waist, which is nice, so I don't feel like an old lady wearing teen jeans.  I've really been liking the skinny roll-up and the legging jeans!
  • Gold Bar Necklace - I decided to get my sister a gold bar necklace for her birthday because I knew she'd love it.  I've seen them on so many different people, and I just really like the look.  I ordered one for her, and just had to get one for myself.  I got mine engraved with the saying "me ke aloha," which means "with love" in Hawaiian. It's a reminder for me that I always want to act, speak, and live "with love." So cute!

  • Loft Lou & Grey Waterfall Cardigan -  I originally saw this sweater on another blogger's Instagram and immediately loved it.  I ordered one for myself and I have to say it is my new favorite sweater. It's the perfect weight and I absolutely love the color (I have dusty snow speckle).  It's flattering and the perfect sweater to throw on over whatever you're wearing.  I have a feeling I will be grabbing it constantly for those cool summer nights when I need to add a layer!

Well, there you have it....some of the clothing and accessories that I've been loving lately.  Next week I'll be back with food and drink items that I've been loving!


  1. Oh goodness I love this series!!!! You always have the best stuff so now I can try to keep up with you! I want all of those things - except the necklace I already have thanks to you :) can't wait for next week food and drink items either!

  2. Love love love that you girls will wear a little gold now!!

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