Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekend Recap

It was a pretty great weekend around here.  Like I mentioned on Friday, my family came to visit, so that always makes for a fun time.  They arrived around 5:45 on Friday night and we had a volleyball game to catch at seven, so we grabbed a quick dinner and headed to the gym.  My middle sister Bri’s sister-in-law (confused yet?) plays on the MSU volleyball team, so we went to the game to cheer her on.  Unfortunately, the Bobcats didn’t play that great and ended up losing to Gonzaga.  I had fun watching some volleyball though.  It’s been years since I’ve played, but I did play in high school and it is one of my favorite sports.  It’s crazy how much the game has changed since then.  It’s a completely different game.  Even very fundamental aspects of the game, like how you score and what you play to have changed!  It makes me feel OLD!  Nonetheless, I still like to watch and it’s fun to be spectators of a sport where I know more about the game than my husband!

Saturday morning, Doug wanted to take us on a “Tour de Bozeman” bike ride before the football game.  We all got up early and left the house at 7:30 for a 12 mile ride.  It was lots of fun and I think my family had a pretty good time seeing different areas of Bozeman than they’d seen before.  It was especially fun for me because I haven’t been able to go on a bike ride with my husband for quite some time.  Being pregnant and having a baby kind of puts a kink in the bike riding!

After the ride on Saturday morning, we all got ready to head to the football game.  We got to the tailgating area around 10:45.  We enjoyed a seafood boil and catching up with fellow Bobcat friends before the game started at one.  My sisters, mom, and I sat in the end zone.  It was fun to see the game from a different perspective.  It was a good place to have Drew too because we could sit.  He was a trooper and we made it the whole game!

After the game, we made our way home.  I made a couple of egg bakes for the breakfast the following morning, and then we headed to Columbos for some dinner.  After our pizza, we went back to the gym for another volleyball game.  This time MSU was playing USD, which is my alma mater as well as my parents.  USD was really good and ended up beating the Bobcats in three games.  It was still fun to watch Anna play, and I’m glad we were all there to cheer her on.  It makes the games more exciting when you know some of the players.

Sunday morning we had Drew’s baptism at the 8:30 service.  We all made it to church and anxiously awaited the baptism portion of the service as well as Drew’s reaction to the whole thing.  He did great!  He looked a little confused when the pastor dumped the water on his head (and I don’t say dumped lightly, he really doused Drew!), but he didn’t cry or make a sound.  Then he smiled as the pastor walked him through the congregation. He’s such a great boy and he made his mom and dad so proud.  I couldn’t be more in love with him!
After church everyone came to our house for a breakfast/brunch.  It turned out pretty good and now I’m just glad that it’s over.  Entertaining is not really my thing.  It’s fun to do every once in awhile, but I’m always glad when it goes well and is over!  After brunch, Doug, Drew and I did some work around the house.  We had a pretty relaxing end to the weekend.  It was a busy one though, and I think it really wore Drew out because he is still sleeping as I write this at 10:15 am.  He must be pretty tired!


It was so great to have my family here and to enjoy the weekend together.  It always goes too fast and they are headed home before I know it, but I love the time we get to spend together.  I already can’t wait for the next visit!


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