Friday, February 21, 2014

High Five for Friday!

The weekend is here again, friends!  The week went pretty quickly, and it's hard to believe it's already Friday again.  I'm not complaining though, that means it's one day closer to a day off with Doug!

We have a fun weekend planned, as Drew is in the Great Baby Race at the men's basketball game tomorrow night.  My mom is coming to watch Drew crawl to champion, and I'm so excited to have her come visit.  I always love having her in town!  Well, here's a roundup of the week:
  1. Like I mentioned above, the time has come for the Great Baby Race!  I think Doug and I had both planned on practicing with Drew, but we just never got around to it.  He's an expert crawler all the sudden though, so I think he has a chance.  I suppose it will just depend on how much the crowd and the noise affects him.  He's quite a curious baby, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was as still as a statue just looking around!!  The other thing working against him is that the race starts WAY past his bedtime.  And he can be a big grump if he doesn't make it to bed on time, so that could be interesting.  No matter the outcome, we will be so proud of our little man.  He's always #1 in our eyes!
  2. We had date night last night at Bar 3 BBQ.  I was not overly impressed with the food or the service, but it was nice to get out and mix things up a bit.  It seems like tax season can put us in a rut, so it was fun to have a date night.  Plus, I didn't have to cook, which is always good in my book!
  3. Drew's been extra cute this week.  He just changes so much every day and it's so fun to watch him grow up.  He's got quite the personality and he makes me laugh every day.  I love him so much.  He truly makes every day better just being around!

  4. We have quite a few birthdays, showers, and things coming up, and I got a head start on gifts yesterday.  It felt good to get it out of the way early and I love feeling organized!  I am planning on making some gifts as well, so if they turn out, I will share them on the blog.  After I give them, of course!
  5. I just want to say thanks for the support on yesterday's heavy post.  I appreciate you all reading it and taking in my point of view on the subject.  It's a topic that really gets under my skin, and I felt it was time for me to share my story.  It's obviously not easy, but I just feel like so many women are shamed and forced into guilt over something so petty and it's just not right.  It just comes down to us all wanting the best for our children and trying our hardest to provide for them.  A supportive community is key, and I just want other women out there to know, that you're not alone, and there are people that won't judge you or insinuate that you're doing something "wrong" if you're feeding your child formula, no matter the reason.  So thanks, and again, let's all just be kind, compassionate, and helpful.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Friday! Wish I could be there to watch Drew crawl to victory but I can't wait to see a video!! Enjoy the weekend!
