Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday Wisdom - Let Your Husband Love You

It seems like I keep hearing over and over again of couples who have been married for many, many years who are getting divorced.  I’m talking couples who have been married for 20+ years.  It always shocks me and I wonder how, after that many years, a marriage could combust.  I was lucky enough to come from a family that is still very much in tact, and from parents who love each other more and more every day.  So that has been my example of what a successful, strong marriage looks like.  And it’s something that I want to emulate, but as I get older, I do realize that marriages take work and things aren’t always going to be perfect.  You don't get the fairytale life and marriage by just being lucky, it takes an effort from both husband and wife to make it work.

I came across this blog post on Facebook the other day, and it really struck me. - I highly suggest you read this post. It's so very true, and if you are a mother, I think you will be able to relate.

I can relate to it in so many ways.  I think one of the main reasons (and this is just my opinion, not based on facts or experience of any sort) that couples divorce so late in life is that they spend all of their time raising kids and focusing on their children, that when it’s finally time for the children to leave the nest, they realize that they’ve grown apart and no longer have much in common.  And while I don’t think there’s anything wrong with putting the majority of your efforts into raising kind, productive, well-balanced children, I also think it’s important to stop every now and again and spend some time connecting and re-connecting with your spouse.  It’s important to not lose focus of what made you fall in love in the first place, and remember to treat each other with love and respect always.

I do know that since Drew has come along, he’s been my main focus.  And I’m probably guilty of not spending enough time and energy on my husband.  I absolutely can relate to the things that Kristen says in this blog, and I know I'm guilty of many of them.  The post was helpful though because it allowed me to see that I’m not the only woman out there that can struggle with this, and it made me want to be better.  Motherhood is a tough balancing act.  So is wifehood, if you want to call it that.  There’s so many moving parts and pieces that sometimes things get lost in the shuffle.  This article made me think about what it means to have a loving husband, and made me realize that my relationship with him is definitely not something that I want to get lost in the shuffle.  I don’t want to have our children go off to college in 20 years and look at my husband and see a stranger.  I don't want to be that couple getting divorced after 30 years of marriage.  I hope that I can take the advice of this blogger and live it in my everyday life.  I want to let my husband love me and I want to be married happily forever and ever.

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