Thursday, February 13, 2014


After Drew and I went back to Rapid a couple weeks ago, Drew came home with a new friend.  Grandma Brenda got him the My Pal Scout Leap Frog stuffed animal.  Scout is pretty cool, and has quickly become Drew’s favorite toy.  He’s not much into traditional baby toys, and would much rather play with my iPhone or the remote control, but he seems to love Scout.

One of the coolest things about Scout, is that you can personalize him to your child.  I plugged him into our computer and answered a few questions, and now Scout knows Drew’s name and a few of his favorite things.  Now Scout says things like, “Good Night, Drew,” and “I love you, Drew.”  I’m pretty sure Drew can recognize that Scout is saying his name, and he loves it.  His face lights up every time Scout talks, it’s just so cute!

Scout also plays bedtime music, so Drew has been going to sleep with him.  He likes having Scout there to touch, and the music helps relax him.  So far, Scout is a winner!

I’ve heard good things about the Leap Frog toys for older children, but I hadn’t really had much experience with them myself.  I have to say, I’ve become a fan.  And I’m pretty sure we will be investing in some other Leap Frog learning toys as Drew gets older!


  1. awwww he loves Scout!!!! That is so cool that he knows Drew's name now, too!!

  2. yay!! I love that he loves him!! I love the pic in the crib. You can tell he is happy as can be---he's smiling and his little hands are moving like crazy! Love love love him!
