Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Liebster Award: Get to Know Your Fellow Bloggers

Kayla at Wonderfully Made has asked me to participate in a little activity to get to know fellow bloggers.  It sounds like fun, so I thought I would oblige!  Here's how it works:

  1. List 11 facts about yourself
  2. Answer the questions of the person who nominated you.
  3. Create 11 new questions.
  4. Nominate 11 new bloggers
Since I'm new to this whole blogging thing, I unfortunately don't even know 11 bloggers to nominate, so I'm going to skip steps three and four.  Lame, I know, but at least you'll get to know a little more about me, right?!

11 Facts
  1. I'm the oldest of three girls, and I love my sisters more than anything.  They are my best friends!
  2. In April of last year, I had my first baby boy.  I can't believe that a year went by so quickly and he will celebrate his first birthday in just a few days!  He's the joy in my days and I couldn't love him any more than I do.
  3. I am a CPA, but have decided to stay home and be a full time mom now that Drew is around. Unfortunately, I can't get away from accounting because both of my parents are accountants, both of my sisters, one of my sister's husbands, my husband, my husband's brother and dad, two of my older cousins, and the list goes on and on.  It's kinda creepy really!
  4. I played competitive softball, volleyball, and basketball growing up, and absolutely loved it.  I'm still very into sports and try to be active every day.
  5. I'm obsessed with Christmas.  In a big way.  It's crazy how much I love that holiday.  I think it annoys my husband, but I tell him I'm just providing him with holiday cheer!

  6. Speaking of my husband, I got pretty lucky with that one!  He's my best friend and I think my life truly got great when I met him.  We have so much fun together and I love him immensely.
  7. I hate peas.  They are fuzzy inside and gross.  My babysitter used to MAKE me eat them and it scarred me for life.
  8. I LOVE Mello Yello.  I am obsessed, and you're probably thinking....they still make that stuff?  Yes, they do!  And it's divine.  I know it's bad for me, but it just makes me happy!
  9. I'm a reality T.V. junkie.  It drives my husband crazy, but what can I say, I can't get enough!
  10. Right after I graduated with my Master's degree, I moved to Bozeman, MT where I didn't know a sole.  It's been a tough road since I'm naturally pretty shy, but it's where I met my husband, so I know it's where I was supposed to be.  I miss my family and my hometown a lot, but Bozeman is a pretty nice place to live too!
  11. I love Hawaii.  It's my favorite place to visit, and in fact, I'm going there tomorrow.  I can't wait!
Kayla's Questions
  • What song are you currently obsessed with?
    • It has to be Happy by Pharrell.  It is constantly stuck in my head and it puts me in a good mood.
  • What is your favorite accessory?
    • That's a tough one.  Probably my wedding ring.  I love it!  My husband picked it out all on his own and he did a great job!
  • If I was visiting your city for the first time, what would be the first place you would take me?
    • We have so many things to do and see here in Bozeman.  I'd probably take you on a hike so you could experience the beautiful mountains and views.  It's a gorgeous place!
  • What is your favorite type of cookie?
    • That's easy.....chocolate chip!
  • What one new skill would you like to learn? Why?
    • This is going to sound bad, but.....parallel parking. I never had to learn because we didn't really have parallel parking where I grew up, so I've just never learned.  I need to know now because all of Bozeman's downtown is parallel parking and I can never find a place to park.  I'm so bad that I have attempted in the past and it's been going so poorly that I actually just drove away!
  • What is your biggest pet peeve?
    • Probably when someone corrects you when you've made an obvious mistake, even though they knew what you meant.  Say your teacher says, tomorrow we'll go over this concept, and then the annoying kid says, no we won't because tomorrow's Saturday, like it's so clever.  We all knew it, there was no reason to point it out!
  • What TV show are you currently loving?
    • I love The Blacklist.  It's clever and I just can't wait to find out what happens next!
  • You're traveling and your luggage gets lost.  You only have $50 on you.  Where do you go and what do you buy?
    • I would go to Target.  I'm a little obsessed with that store.  I buy lots of my clothes there and I'm sure I could find some good stuff for less than $50!
  • What is your dream vacation destination?
    • This is hard for me because there are so many.  I travel quite a bit, but I haven't been to all of the places I'd like to go.  My dream destination is probably a beach somewhere, like Bora Bora (although I'm not sure you can really beat Hawaii!).  I might also pick London.  I've had a weird desire to go there recently.
  • What is the best advice you have ever received?
    • Probably from my mom that everything will work out.  I can tend to be a worrier, and she reminds me that everything will be okay and will work out in the end.  You just have to have faith!
  • What do you consider your greatest accomplishment so far?
    • Well, about a year ago, it would have easily been something academic or career oriented, but now I really think my biggest accomplishment is my son!  He completely changed my life in so many awesome ways.  It's been a challenge, but I wouldn't change it for the world and I feel so blessed to have him.  He's the absolute BEST!
Well, there you have it.  Hope you learned some more about me!!  Happy Tuesday friends!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm not sure how I missed this post, but I'm so glad you could participate! I can't parallel park either...I didn't have to take a driver's test to get my license, so I never bothered. I also can't get out of parallel parking if someone parks in front and behind me. I have had to have my friends pull out for me before...
