Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring Cleaning

Well, the weather may not be cooperating, and it may still feel more like winter than spring, but the other day I got the urge to do some spring cleaning in my closet.  Now, if you know me, you know that I'm a bit of a collector (nice way of saying hoarder), and I have a tough time letting go of things.  I'm one of those people that attaches sentimental value to items like clothing.  I will have a T-shirt that I've had for years and just simply can't get rid of it because I have some special memory in it or it represents a certain time in my life.  It's a bit of a problem, I know.  So anyway, when the urge hit me a couple days ago, I just went with it and ended up throwing out quite a bit of stuff.

It felt good to clean out my closet a little and make room for new clothes.  I realized that most of the items that I threw out were YEARS old, like many, many years.  So it probably is time to update a little and find new items to make new memories in.  After all, my life has changed drastically, and I really do feel different now that I'm a mom.  Some of my old clothes probably weren't appropriate for a mom to be wearing, so it's probably a good thing to start fresh.  Now I'll be able to find new clothes for this new chapter in my life!

As you can see from the picture, I got rid of lots of stuff.  And that wasn't all.  We filled two large garbage bags full that we will take to goodwill.  Hopefully someone else can find some use out of my old stuff, and love it just as much as I did!



  1. I would bet some of that is from high school!!!!!!!!! Good job!!

  2. woah - go Kristin! now you have lots of room to fill and can go shopping :) haha! come clean out my closet for me!
